Sport Info NRW

by Landessportbund Nordrhein-Westfalen e.V.



Whats new in your city/district sports association or in your sports association?With you will receive news, impulses, ideas and important information about organized sport. This eliminates long searches on different websites - you can find all the information from the leagues and associations in NRW in your app.Choose your categories, choose which regions and sports you are particularly interested in. All information is linked to the respective website, so that you can reach your goal immediately with one click. Push notifications inform you when new information has been entered according to your search criteria.Sport Info NRW is aimed at all exercise managers, trainers or club directors. Also to sports enthusiasts or parents who want to keep an eye on the sports world of their offers you:- A comprehensive and free portal for news about organized sport in NRW- Involvement of unions and associations- Selection by categories (region & sport)- A simple navigation- Push messagesStaying informed has never been easier - I promise!